10 Honest Conclusions About Marriage

Family life is a personal matter for everyone. But there are general rules in relationships that make life easier for all of us. This experience comes in only one correct way — trial and error. 

  1. You Should Get Married Only for Love

It’s possible to do it without deep feelings, of course, but mutual love gives a big head start and facilitates future tasks a hundredfold.

  1. Love Passes

The one that is so imposed in society, and whose real name is love addiction. With crazy emotions, suffering, tears, mental pain and the inability to think about anyone other than the object of such “love”. In the relationship, you should feel good, stable, and peaceful.

  1. Spouses Should Be of the Same Social Level

The chemistry of love can push people towards each other. But when love passes, all the differences in upbringing, mentality, attitude towards life, money, children and other manifestations of life come out.

  1. Spouses Must Develop Together

If the husband and wife don’t develop in life, the result is sad. Anyone who is an obstacle on the way to growth is abandoned, sooner or later. A wife stuck in diapers and children, as well as a husband, whose main interests are beer and TV — ballast that will be dumped.

  1. The Wife Should Not Completely Dissolve in Her Husband and Children

One cannot live only by the wishes of the partner and think only about pots and children. There should be a person next to you, whom you want to study, with whom you want to talk, know the opinion.

  1. Everyone Can Have Their Own Interests and Desires

Everyone should have the right to personal space, time, and their own finances, and that’s okay. A quarrel as an attempt to deprive this time is a reason to think about relationships.

  1. Sex in Marriage Isn’t the Main Thing

Crazy sex, passionate nights and romance are impossible to have even after three years: everything calms down. To maintain a high level of desire after many years spent side by side, one of the spouses should suffer from love addiction.

  1. Decisions Must Be Made Together

Small, everyday matters don’t require approval. But some big purchases, fateful decisions must be discussed. And the decisions are made by two.

  1. You Have to Accept Each Other

You need to allow a person to be who he/she is. 

  1. A Partner Should Be Needed and Free at the Same Time

You need to take off your rose-coloured glasses on time, and forget the phrase “we will live together for a long time and die in one day” and be ready for anything.

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